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Ecstatic Chanting with Jai Uttal and Friends

  • Padma Studio 56 Bolinas Road Fairfax, CA, 94930 United States (map)

Embark on a vocal journey through the sacred sounds of ancient India. With call-and-response group chanting and storytelling, Jai Uttal creates a space of invocation, prayer, and heartfelt expression. This meditative practice of calling to the divine creates a bridge between the individual and the eternal, opening the heart and welcoming the spirit. By singing these prayers and expressing a full range of emotions through our voices we join a stream of consciousness and devotion that has been flowing for centuries. 

No previous experience is needed. This is an exploration of the heart, independent of vocal or musical technique.

March 23

Tantra: The Beloved Can Only Be Everything - Winter Satsang with RamDev Dale Borglum

April 7

The Power of Loving Awareness: Meeting Adversity with Compassion and Clarity with Mark Coleman