Events, Workshops, and Trainings

The Practice with Nikki Costello: 11 Week Residency
to Apr 16

The Practice with Nikki Costello: 11 Week Residency

We are thrilled to welcome Nikki Costello to Padma Studio Fairfax for an eleven week residency beginning February 5 and running through April 16. Nikki is an educator with 30+ years of teaching and training experience in Yoga and Meditation. A Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher (Level 3-CIYT) and a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Nikki works at the intersection of social justice and Yoga with a focus on facilitating new models of embodied leadership.

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The Power of Loving Awareness: Meeting Adversity with Compassion and Clarity with Mark Coleman

The Power of Loving Awareness: Meeting Adversity with Compassion and Clarity with Mark Coleman

Join senior Spirit Rock meditation teacher Mark Coleman for an enriching class exploring how mindfulness and compassion can be essential tools for navigating life’s challenges. Through guided meditation, lecture and discussion we will explore how to meet inner and outer adversity with clarity, compassion and resilience.

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Protecting the Joints with Heather Lilleston

Protecting the Joints with Heather Lilleston

Learn how to have a life long practice of vinyasa, without over working the joints due to hyper flexibility or misalignment. 

After years of practice, the body develops unconscious habits of movement. This workshop will rewind the tape a bit and break down what to use and how to move more safely and sustainably through vinyasa transitions.

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2026 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Lesley Desaulniers
to Apr 25

2026 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Lesley Desaulniers

This powerful and transformative 200-hour program is designed for students of yoga who want to deepen their practice as well as for those students who wish to become teachers themselves. Students will walk away from this training with a transformative understanding of class sequencing, hands-on assists, yoga philosophy, and more.

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Tantra: The Beloved Can Only Be Everything - Winter Satsang with RamDev Dale Borglum

Tantra: The Beloved Can Only Be Everything - Winter Satsang with RamDev Dale Borglum

Tantra is not about renunciation or even gradually transforming obstacles through compassion but seeing the entire world as divine, as a manifestation of the Mother. Yoga teaches suppression with awareness, gradually eliminating obstacles through control. Tantra is the releasing of all goals and attainments - letting go of all attachments through love. Tantra teaches that every cell that exists is filled with pure awareness. Indulgence with awareness. 

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Restorative Heaven with Jo Lewzey

Restorative Heaven with Jo Lewzey

Restorative yoga offers the body a chance to rest deeply and revitalize. It is a practice accessible for all bodies and ages and can help with many things such as pain, stress and fatigue. The postures offer us a way to regulate the nervous system that can often feel wound up and anxious.

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Miracle Kirtan with Kiranjot, Sasha Mazo, and Ramana

Miracle Kirtan with Kiranjot, Sasha Mazo, and Ramana

Immerse yourself in the transformative power of song as Kiranjot Kaur, accompanied by Ramana Erickson (Tabla) and Sasha Mazo (Violin), leads a deeply healing Kirtan experience. This special evening blends Indian classical note singing, mantras, and the teachings of A Course in Miracles, creating a sacred space for you to connect to your divine essence through music and chant.

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Kirtan with Mangalananda and Friends

Kirtan with Mangalananda and Friends

Mangalananda is a direct disciple of the great woman Saint, Anandamayi Ma, mentioned in Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi". He is an appointed Acharya (Lineage Teacher) of her ashram in India. Since 2007, he has toured Europe and the US, presenting kirtan and classes. With his six-piece kirtan band of fabulous musicians, he will present an evening of spirited, call-and-response chanting of sacred, healing mantras, put to beautiful music in the Indian Tradition. Come and chant and experience the bliss!

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The Art of Standing Poses with Jo Lewzey Part 2

The Art of Standing Poses with Jo Lewzey Part 2

Standing poses are truly the foundation for your asana practice. They give you the opportunity to strengthen and realign your legs and feet, create more healthy mobility in your hips, relieve lower back pain and strengthen your core. They are the gateway into more advanced postures.

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Winter Awakening: Yin Yoga and Sound Bath with Nance and Jenny

Winter Awakening: Yin Yoga and Sound Bath with Nance and Jenny

The symphony between Yin Yoga and Sound Healing lies in their shared goal of relaxation and releasing tension.

Join Nance Leombruno and Jenny Dubiel to honor the Imbolc, one of the four Gaelic seasonal celebrations where we honor and celebrate the mid-point between the winter solstice and the vernal spring equinox. Embodying the increasing daylight, it beckons us to witness the tender shoots pushing through the soil, mirroring the inner awakening that unfolds within us.

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Introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Introduction to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

Join Lesley Desaulniers and Annabelle Scott for an inspiring introduction to the Eight Limbs of Yoga. Learn how the eight limbs apply to your everyday life and deepen your yoga practice with an introductory awareness and understanding of yoga philosophy.

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The Art of Standing Poses with Jo Lewzey

The Art of Standing Poses with Jo Lewzey

Standing poses are truly the foundation for your asana practice. They give you the opportunity to strengthen and realign your legs and feet, create more healthy mobility in your hips, relieve lower back pain and strengthen your core. They are the gateway into more advanced postures.

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New Year's Eve Kirtan with Jai Uttal and Friends

New Year's Eve Kirtan with Jai Uttal and Friends

Join Jai Uttal and friends in welcoming the New Year at Padma with an evening of ecstatic kirtan, prayer and song!

This is the first time in two decades that Jai has been here in the Bay Area over New Years Eve. Let’s celebrate together as a community and inspire and awaken in each other a great wave of hope, love and joy to spread to all beings.

Together, let’s unite our hearts and voices in celebration and invocation of the Divine.

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Chakra Tuning Sound Bath with The Sound Sorcery

Chakra Tuning Sound Bath with The Sound Sorcery

The Sound Sorcery invites you to the new and beautiful Padma Studio in San Anselmo for a gentle sound immersion experience with sound healers Kelly Finn and Drew Burch. Guests lay down to absorb the gentle frequencies of singing bowls, chimes, and ocean drum, among a fleet of specialized instruments. Sound baths are a form of restorative yoga, an opportunity to re-tune the body to the pure frequencies of the major chakras. Drift off and awaken among the stars.

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Psoas Delight with Jo Lewzey

Psoas Delight with Jo Lewzey

The Psoas Muscle is always a favorite to focus on. It's the deepest muscle in the body, holds the key to more freedom, and provides a deep release of the stuck energy that accumulates over time.

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Yoga for Bad People with Heather Lilleston

Yoga for Bad People with Heather Lilleston

A solid vinyasa style practice similar to what you may find on a Yoga For Bad People retreat. Class will include led meditation, snippets of cardio in and amongst a solid sequence, mad attention to alignment, spiritual philosophy to center the thoughts, enough yin to tie it all together, and a playlist you’ll want to follow after, supporting the entirety of the practice.

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Baby & Me Yoga Series with Nicole Kelley
to Nov 21

Baby & Me Yoga Series with Nicole Kelley

Join us for a welcoming, joyful, and community-building 60 min Baby + Me yoga class for new moms and their little ones (2 months - 2 years). We will flow through sequences of restorative and refreshing yoga asana practice (safe and comfortable for postpartum bodies), breathwork and short guided meditations with our littles.

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Restorative Yoga with Stephanie Crawford

Restorative Yoga with Stephanie Crawford

Embrace the seasonal shift with a deeply nourishing restorative yoga practice. As we welcome the start of autumn with equal hours of light and dark, this is a perfect opportunity to align with nature’s wisdom and create more balance in our own lives.

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Fall Foundations Series with Lesley Desaulniers
to Oct 30

Fall Foundations Series with Lesley Desaulniers

Join Lesley Desaulniers for a transformational series that provides an alignment-focused understanding of standing postures, forward folds, backbends, and more. This series is open to all levels: new students will learn the fundamentals of the practice, while experienced students can refine and advance their skills.

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Compassion and Equanimity with Sharon Salzberg

Compassion and Equanimity with Sharon Salzberg

Join Sharon Salzberg (who will appear virtually) for Padma's Mindfulness Meditation Series. Whether you’re a beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join our renowned and beloved teacher for this 75-minute workshop. Our program includes an opening talk, a 20-minute seated meditation, and a closing discussion. Meditation cushions and chairs will be provided for those who would like to join in person. 

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