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Kirtan with Mangalananda and Friends

  • Padma Studio 56 Bolinas Road Fairfax, CA, 94930 United States (map)

Mangalananda is a direct disciple of the great woman Saint, Anandamayi Ma, mentioned in Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi". He is an appointed Acharya (Lineage Teacher) of her ashram in India. Since 2007, he has toured Europe and the US, presenting kirtan and classes. With his six-piece kirtan band of fabulous musicians, he will present an evening of spirited, call-and-response chanting of sacred, healing mantras, put to beautiful music in the Indian Tradition. Come and chant and experience the bliss!

February 22

The Art of Standing Poses with Jo Lewzey Part 2

March 1

Miracle Kirtan with Kiranjot, Sasha Mazo, and Ramana